Research Heerlen-Noord

Marc and Nicole Maurer are teaching the Master Class ‘Transforming City Regions Integrated Project I’ at RWTH Aachen starting today. This semester the focus is on Heerlen-North. Students are making plans for this area, for which a National Program was recently established.

Guided Tour Gulpener Beer

On Oct. 16, Marc and Nicole Maurer gave a personal tour of the Gulpener Beer Brewery. The designs of the beer garden, brewhouse, and (Europe’s most sustainable) brewhouse were realized in different phases during the past years. The tour of the entire complex was well attended.

Guided Tour Muziekgieterij

On Oct. 9, Marc and Nicole Maurer gave a personal tour of the ‘Muziekgieterij’ pop venue. The design of the concert hall with multiple venues, practice rooms, recording studio and backstage area was realized in an industrial national monument, combined with new construction.

IBA Parkstad Book

Last weekend, IBA Parkstad presented Maurice Hermans’ publication ‘Patchwork’. The book features several Maurer United projects (i.e. Superlocal, Romeins Kwartier) realized within this multi-year program for architecture and building in the ‘Regiopolis’ Parkstad Limburg.

Open Day IBA Parkstad

Project Manager Rocky Hendrix of the Municipality of Heerlen explains the plans around the Roman Quarter during IBA Parkstad’s Open Day. Maurer United created the design of the public space in this area, which was a Roman settlement 2,000 years ago. The design is currently being realized.

Regiopolitan Rumble

Last Friday, Nicole Maurer gave a presentation at the IBA conference ‘Regiopolitan Rumble’. Maurer United’s SUPERLOCAL project is an IBA Parkstad best-practice project. It was a conference with inspiring contributions from Francesco Veenstra, LOLA Landscape Architects, and Christa Reicher, among others.

SUPERLOCAL vs. Green Deal

Today, European Commissioner Frans Timmermans – responsible for the European Green Deal – visited the SUPERLOCAL project. Low energy consumption, circular building, circular water system and social cohesion: are aspects, which have been addressed in this project in an integral and pioneering way.


In February, the SUPERLOCAL apartment block was completed and occupied. This project by Maurer United has 114 social housing units and already received the National Construction Award during construction in 2019 . Click here for a first impression of the new residents of this circular project.

Nicole Maurer Lemmens

Nicole Maurer Lemmens (NL,1969) was born in Southern Dutch Limburg. She grew up in a border region, located between Aachen (Germany), Liège (Belgium) and Maastricht (Netherlands). She studied architecture, urban planning, and building science at the Eindhoven University of Technology. She graduated cum laude in 1998. Her thesis on the relationship between identity and spatial environment, which was nominated for the National Archiprix. As a lecturer, she teaches at various academies and universities in the Netherlands and Germany. Since 2020, she has been a research associate at the RWTH Aachen Chair and Institute for Urban Planning. She is a member of several advisory committees and boards. As director, she leads Maurer United, with projects in regional planning, urbanism, public space, architecture, interior architecture and exhibition design.